Rash Behari Bose
Indian revolutionary leader Rash Behari Bose (25 May 1886 – 21 January 1945) battled against the British Empire. He had created the Indian Independence League and was one of the main organizers of the Ghadar Mutiny. In addition, Bose oversaw the Indian National Army (INA), which Mohan Singh founded in 1942.

Bose departed Bengal in order to dodge the 1908 Alipore bomb case proceedings. He was employed in the Forest Research Institute in Dehradun as the head clerk. There, he met Arya Samaj revolutionaries in the Punjab and the United Provinces and surreptitiously became associated with Bengali revolutionaries through Amarendra Chatterjee of the Jugantar.
Bose was compelled to go into hiding after the Delhi-Lahore Conspiracy, which attempted to assassinate Lord Hardinge on December 23, 1912. Because he took part in the abortive attempt to assassinate Hardinge, who was the Governor General and Viceroy at the time, he was pursued by the colonial police.He took the night train back to Dehradun and showed up for work the following day as if nothing had happened.
He rose to prominence in the Ghadar revolt during World War I (WW1), an attempt to start a revolt in India in February 1915. Reliable and tested Ghadrites were dispatched to multiple cantonments with the intention of eluding the army. The commanders of Gadar believed that most of the soldiers had left India due to the ongoing war in Europe and that the remaining soldiers could be easily persuaded to join them. The majority of the revolutionaries were arrested after the revolt collapsed. However, Bose was able to elude British espionage and arrive in Japan in 1915.